
General Chess Discussion

RepliesLast post
Preslav's 2+5 & 3+2 Tournaments17
by joer45
Semi Marathon :)6
by Rimac_C2
I count tactics for my opponent, but I still miss it0
by Arseniy_Rybasov
Am I dreaming or what??8
by NM ThunderClap
A few questions about titles in lichess2
by DJ-Sniper
Hypocrites and hyperbullet6
by gilligan841
All About Cheating - Part 2: The Psychology and Pathology of Cheaters40
by Haydenwang203
Opinion: getting annoyed because your opponent refuses to resign is a sign of arrogance7
by Katoh1
How to connect an DGT, E board to a Flutter and Firebase App(Broadcasting)4
by The_Eagle_Himself
Nicknames you give to your favorite GMs.8
by Akbar2thegreat
Chess Endgame Training webapp updated21
by Officer_LoseALot
Longest ever correspondence game?1
by ambrooks
The Weakness of d54
by <erased>
Loses again comes in waves. Is it me or something else?4
by BlitzGrinder01
What if I participate a tournament which has prizes for winner but lichess is not responsible ?!5
by BlitzGrinder01